Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Day

“White Christmas” this year meant the white of foamy ocean waves instead of snow. Representing five countries (Portugal, Italy, Congo, United States, and of course Mozambique), this was the multi-cultural group that I celebrated Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with this year.

We celebrated Christmas Eve with the vigil mass in which the youth of our parish put on a play of the Christmas Story in the local language –Tchopi. After mass, the sisters, priests, other volunteers, two Italian visitors, two Mozambican visitors, and I had an international dinner of Italian “Risotti,” Portuguese “Bacalhau” and American cookies! For Christmas Day, we all went to mass in the morning and then the same group went out to Závora beach where we made a fire to grill chicken and beef and swam in the ocean for the day. Above, we all went up to the lighthouse overlooking the beautiful beach for one big group shot.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!

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